Entry Fees for Juniors & Students at USHA Nationals
Did you know your NCHA subsidizes Junior & Student Handball?! The NCHA promotes handball in many ways. One is to help deserving and qualified Juniors and Students get to the:
. USHA National Juniors Championships (4-Wall, 3-Wall)
. USHA National Collegiates Championships (4-Wall)
Do you meet the criteria below? Then please contact NCHA treasurers.(Subsidies vary). :
Roy Bukstein roybuk@yahoo.com
Jesse Ward jessejward@gmail.com
. 19-and-under, or a 23-and-under *and* a full-time college student
. The players must be member of the NCHA (Juniors join for free)
. Have played in several local tournaments
You must apply in advance. The amount of the subsidy varies from year to year. Payments for juniors will go to their adult sponsors. Funds to be reimbursed after the player has participated in the event. Regarding Collegiate players:
. Available for eligible student *not* involved in a handball program
. Can include students going to out-of-state colleges