Entry Fees for Juniors & Students at NorCal Events
The NCHA encourages all tournaments to offer reduced entry fees for juniors. Our goal is to guarantee a junior player a maximum entry fee of $15, while also guaranteeing the tournament $25 income per junior player. Hopefully this will encourage more participation, and less burden on families with multiple kids, or students without an income.
For Tournament Directors
We ask that you charge juniors a $15 entry fee. The NCHA will then pay the tournament an additional $10 per junior entrant. To receive NCHA funds, after the tournament email a list of the names of the juniors and the amount requested to Roy Bukstein, roybuk@yahoo.com. We will send you a check or use PayPal, whichever you prefer.
For Junior Players or Program
In the event a tournament does not participate in the program and charges more than a $15 entry fee, the NCHA will pay a direct reimbursement of the difference between $15 versus what he/she is charged, subject to a maximum of $20. To receive NCHA funds, after the tournament email a copy of the entry blank, and a list of names and the amount requested to Roy Bukstein, roybuk@yahoo.com. Payment will be made to the player’s parent, guardian, or program. We will send you a check or use PayPal, whichever you prefer. This program applies only to the first event fee, and is regardless of the division the Junior enters, including Open class with prize money offered. The NCHA definition of a Junior is the same as the USHA: Anyone aged 19 or under, and anyone aged 23 and under *if* enrolled fulltime in college (12 full time units).