Find a Court - Challenge Courts Around the Bay Area
For a lot of guys. their introduction to handball came by dropping in on a "challenge court" where they wouldn't need to be a member to get a chance to try out the sport of handball. Clubs set this up to entice players to eventually become members, so they set aside a few hours a week for players to try out their facility.
Here is information on handball courts in the Bay Area. Pass this info on to your friends that were thinking on trying out "that handball thing you keep talking about" - The Scoop
Come on in and play ball!

Santa Rosa
Park Point Health Clubs (Santa Rosa Club)

Facility Name: Park Point Health Clubs (Santa Rosa Club)
Address: 1200 N. Dutton Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Park Point/Santa Rosa Phone Number: (707) 578-1640
Website: https://Parkpoint health club.com
Guest fee: $15.
Includes lockable lockers, hot tub, sauna and towels.*
* most times we are able to get guest fee waved for visiting handballers.
Number of indoor courts: 4ea, 4 wall indoor courts.
Number of players: +/- 36
Days/times, Open challenge courts (3ea):
Sunday morning (except holidays) 8:00 am/11:00 am
Wednesday afternoons 3:00 pm/5:00 pm
Friday afternoons 3:00 pm/5:00 pm
Skill levels: Novice through solid A players
Age range: 18 years through +80 years old
Several tournaments throughout the year.
1. John Nikula (Nor. Cal. Hall of Famer)
Cell: (707) 484-5509
email: jiknik28@gmail.com
2. Bobby Schmidt
Cell: (707) 486-2975
email: bobandjoanschmidt@gmail.com
3. Don Hamilton
Cell: (949) 375-2324
email: don@donaldhamilton.com
4. Kerry Atkinson
Cell: (415) 710-0230
email: atkinsonkerry74@gmail.com
Capital Athletic Club
Sacramento Turn Verein Handball Club
The Sacramento Turn Verein Handball Club welcomes any and ALL levels of play. We are a private club much in the vein of the Elks Lodge. Address is: 3349 J Street, Sacramento. Website is: http://stvhandball.weebly.com/
Dates/day/times: Monday & Wednesday after 4pm and Saturday at 10am. Need towel/lock? Lockers available, bring towel & lock. Parking? In back of building.
Number of courts? 2 ... all wood and built in 1927 (reminiscent of SERC) Signup
Board? Just show up, first time is free, after that it's $5 per day. Lessons available? We try our best got lots of experienced players willing to help. Other info? We also have balls, gloves and eye guards for sale.
Capitol Athletic Club offers a "once a month free play" on the second Thursday of the Month after 4pm.
Capital Athletic Club (at 8th and P Streets) in Sacramento has an open handball evening on the first Friday of each month, starting between 4 or 5 pm.
Sacramento Elks Club
We're down to about a dozen or so regular players who get together on Wednesday around 2 and Sunday morning around 7:30. Games at times other than this needs to be set up by calling one of us or emailing. New blood would definitely be appreciated, guest fee at the club is $5.
San Francisco
South End Rowing Club (SERC)
SERC (South End Rowing Club) has a challenge on Friday (believe they start coming in around 4pm). Front door is normally locked. Players need to ring the bell and wait for someone to open the door.
Golden Gate Park
San Ramon
Club Sport
Johnson Ranch Racquet Club
The Golden Gate Park Courts are open every day, free to the public. 4-wall courts,
2 inside and 2 outside. Guys usually are there on Sundays about 1pm-ish to play
and challenge.
More information/location here: https://goldengatepark.com/handball.html
Club Sport in San Ramon has open challenge every Fri at about 4 pm. Go to the front desk and mention handball and they will have you sign in. It's a very nice club and everything is provided. I've heard of New Yorker and warrior great Chris Mullin checking out handball action at this club before. Players usually patronize the minirestraunt after playing. I don't believe anyone from that club that plays on Friday is actually a member. They do always have a nice handful of players.There
are 4 courts, plenty of parking, and they supply towel and lock. No sign up sheet, and no one to give lessons.
There are about 12-15 handball players now at Johnson Ranch, in Roseville, CA. We do not have a challenge court per se, but we have groups that play Mondays at 1:00- 3:00, Wednesdays 10:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00, and Fridays1:00-3:00. We usually use two courts but have the option to reserve a third court. We have a pretty flexible process that rotates in and out all that show up. Guest fees are $12,
amenities are great! Every last Friday of the Month is "Free Guest Day" at Johnson Ranch. We have 3 courts and we rotate so all who show up can get in the courts to play. All interested handball players are welcome. If folks want to come and pay the guest fee, they are welcome, but recommend that they should e-mail Dave Thoreson or Clare, so we can be sure to reserve a 3rd court to accommodate a larger group. If folks want more info they can e-mail Dave Thoreson (dpthoreson@aol.com). There are lockers with a key, just bring ID.